From The Editor | April 26, 2017

5 Legendary Sports Quotes That Are REALLY About Brand Publishing In The Water And Wastewater Market


By Travis Kennedy

As traditional and historical advertising options continue to show diminishing returns, many of us in the water and wastewater manufacturing industry can’t help but feel a little defeated from time to time.  It’s strongly argued that, while still having a role, traditional and display advertising just isn’t showing the same level of return that it did 20-30 years ago.  So what is a manufacturer meant to do?  What options are there other than keep doing what we’ve always done and hope things revert back to the good old days of the 20th century?  Well, Coach Kennedy is here to give you a pep talk, because you have options.  You have a choice.  The answer to your problem is simply … you.  But don’t take my word for it. Listen to these legendary sports icons and what they have to say:

  1. “I think that at the start of the game, you’re always playing to win, and then maybe if you’re ahead late in the game, you start playing not to lose. The true competitors, though, are the ones who always play to win.” –Tom Brady

The same holds true in the battle you fight every day.  Why keep doing the same old thing and playing “not to lose”.  If you want to truly make an impact, you must play to win every single day.  If something isn’t working for you or directly impacting your outlined goal, there is a better option out there potentially, so why not make the adjustment.  Stop a regional trade show or two (or three); do two print ads instead of 6; and try something  new or something that shows better promise for today’s climate.  Whatever it takes, go for the win.

  1. “I became a good pitcher when I stopped trying to make them miss the ball and started trying to make them hit it.” – Sandy Koufax

Traditional and historical advertising always claimed to be about the immediate return.  Bragging your way into the minds and hearts of engineers and operators.  Trying to make them see how wonderful your technology is for them.  Today, buyers are much more guarded, skeptical and savvy.  Stop trying to get them to go a certain way and try relating to them and instead of selling them.  Let them hit the ball (your content) and react accordingly. 

  1. “During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at bats a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball.” – Mickey Mantle

Don’t be afraid to fail.  I’ve got two lots of news for you. You will fail a few times at first. And if you don’t recognize this already, by not evolving you are losing already.  I’ve always said THE most important step in this marketing evolution that will save your business is the first one.  Take it.

  1. “Show me a guy who’s afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you a guy you can beat every time.” – Lou Brock

Your competition is catching on to this at the same pace you are (if not faster).  It takes one champion within an organization to change the direction and save a company’s future.  Is that you?  If you’re too afraid to do anything or make any adjustments then guess what, the person sitting across from your prospective buyer right now is your competitor and he isn’t afraid.  You only look bad if you continue to engage in ineffective tactics.

  1. “Your biggest opponent isn’t the other guy. It’s human nature” – Bobby Knight

Doing what we’ve always done is safe.  It’s comfortable.  Feeling safe and comfortable is human nature.  It won’t be that safe and comfortable when your president needs to make cuts because revenue is down and the first place they usually look is ….. the marketing department.  Fight the urge to keep a low profile and not rock the boat. Your livelihood may depend on it.